Tuesday 9 September 2008

Keira Knightley - Knightley Finished With Pirates

KEIRA KNIGHTLEY has no plans to reprise her role in the PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN motion-picture show franchise.

The British actress crack to international fame after playing Elizabeth Swann in the stake trilogy, co-starring Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom.

But the star insists she is ready to explore other plastic film projects.

She says, "I think it was wonderful and an awesome opportunity and those films were just extraordinary and I was extremely prosperous to be a division of them. But no. I think my pirating days may be over."

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Saturday 30 August 2008

Experimental Next-Generation Anti-Cancer Therapies Featured In Scientific American

�Scientific American magazine focussed on 2 University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers in a news story on experimental next-generation anticancer therapies.

David T. Curiel, M.D., Ph.D., is a UAB professor of medicine and director of the human gene therapy division, and Ronald Alvarez, M.D., is a UAB professor of medicine and director of the gynecological oncology division.

Both doctors are featured in a Scientific American special cancer edition, and both served as co-authors on the story "Tumor-busting viruses." The editors chose Curiel and Alvarez because of their research into a field called viral factor therapy, or virotherapy.

Virotherapy involves an observational technique to target viruses to cancer cells spell leaving goodish cells untouched. The viruses are genetically engineered to kill tumor cells in different shipway. One way is by adopting the viruses' natural ability to invade and reproduce as a way to pitch target genes that make tumor cells more susceptible to existing chemotherapies.

Curiel and Alvarez have been testing this concept with a virus combine called adenovirus in women with repeated ovarian or other gynaecological cancers. The clinical trial is still in the early stages, yet the compound has shown antitumour effects that appear safe to most patients, Curiel said.

"We image a substantial role for viruses - that is, therapeutic viruses - in 21st-century medicament," Curiel and Alvarez wrote in wrote in the story.

First proposed in the 1940s, virotherapy now relies heavily on adenoviruses, a cause of the usual cold that has been studied and altered extensively for medical research. Adenoviruses have the ability to shuttle targeted segments of DNA into a neoplasm cell and make biochemical changes that minimize equipment casualty to levelheaded cells.

Source: Troy Goodman

University of Alabama at Birmingham

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Wednesday 20 August 2008

MC pals' flows are Kosha

People unfamiliar with present-day hip-hop power be surprised that tonight�s Roxy star is a 32-year-old Jewish rapper from Long Island named Aesop Rock.

They�ll be even more than surprised by Rock�s opening acts: Iranian-American MC Yak Ballz (natural Yashar Zadeh) and his Israeli-American cohort, Rami Even-Esh, better known as Kosha Dillz.

By choosing Ballz and Dillz, Rock isn�t qualification a �We Are the World� statement. He�s load-bearing veterans of the new alternative-rap prospect he helped establish a decade ago.

�I recorded my first individual, �Flossin�,� when I was 16,� said Ballz, 26, by phone from New Jersey. �I grew up in Queens around a draw of MCs, so I was genuinely in the mix even before I got my own opportunities. Fortunately, I finally got my chance to flex.�

Dillz and Ballz knew each other ahead they got into hip-hop. They secondhand to toy together growing up. Though he was mostly brocaded in Queens, Ballz as well spent time at his father�s house in Edison, N.J., where Dillz lived around the corner.

�Yak was the MC in the neighborhood,� Dillz aforesaid from Brooklyn. �Then I started rapping on the weekends when we would get together, whether it was just hanging out in the back of someone�s whip or wherever.�

Following Ballz�s lead, Dillz started entering the Braggin� Rights MC battles at the legendary Nuyorican Poets Cafe in Manhattan. Ballz became the youngest rapper to reach the finals, and it was there that both aspiring MCs met producers including Mondee, wHO helped develop their careers.

�One time when I was 17 I went to see Yak at Braggin� Rights and there was extra blank space, so I just got up on stage,� Dillz aforementioned. �I had something scripted already. Even back then we were battling with conscious lyrics, not talking about how fat the other person�s mother was.�

Despite their shared history and tours, Ballz and Dillz have followed contrasting creative paths. While Dillz�s rhymes push into religious and geo-political realms, Ballz keeps his music largely secular and abstract.

�I never genuinely incorporated my ethnicity into my music,� Ballz said. �It only came out that I was Persian afterward in my career. Most people thought that I was just a edward D. White kid from Queens. Actually, from what I read, some people even persuasion that I was a black kid.�

Dillz reports graver misunderstandings concerning his Jewish background. Judaism, he says, often is misrepresented in the knock scene. With his new CD - a pas de deux project with freestyle guru C-Rayz Walztitled �Freestyle vs. Written� - he hopes to teach the pat community that hip-hop transcends racial andreligious boundaries.

�On my last hitch this fellow in Georgia told me that he thought all Jews hate black citizenry,� Dillz said. �That was laughable, especially since I was on circuit with (Wu-Tang affiliate) Killah Priest, and that I have an album advent out with C-Rayz Walz.�

Aesop Rock, with Kosha Dillz and Yak Ballz, at the Roxy, tonight. Tickets: $20; 617-931-2000.

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Sunday 10 August 2008

Cara Therapeutics Announces Successful Completion Of Phase I Clinical Trial Of Novel Analgesic, CR845

�Cara Therapeutics, Inc.
announced completion of a Phase I clinical trial for its second-generation,
peripherally playing kappa opioid agonist, CR845, under development for the
treatment of acute and chronic annoyance. The drug candidate was safe and
well-tolerated after intravenous infusion, and resulted in plasm levels of
CR845 expected to be associated with clinical anodyne activity. In
addition, CR845 infusion triggered a quantitative endocrine biomarker of
peripheral kappa opioid receptor activation at the lowest dose tested.

The Phase Ia single-center clinical trial evaluated the safety,
tolerability, pharmacokinetic profile, and pharmacological activity of
CR845 in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, unmarried escalating
intravenous dose study in 54 healthy male person and distaff volunteers. CR845 was
shown to be safe at all doses investigated, with no reports of serious side
personal effects or contrary central uneasy system natural process. Linear,
dose-proportional increases in systemic exposure to CR845 were ascertained.
Low doses of CR845 resulted in plasma levels at or above the plasma levels
of do drugs expected to be associated with clinical analgesic efficaciousness.

The Company plans to advance its intravenous conceptualization of CR845 into
Phase II trials later in 2008. Based on the demonstrated safety,
tolerability, and bioactivity of this conceptualization in Phase I, Cara will
continue to develop its unwritten formulation of CR845 for advancement into
Phase I.

About CR845

CR845 was designed to be highly selective for the peripheral kappa
opioid receptor, with a prolonged length of action relative to Cara's
first base generation of peripheral kappa opioids. Animal studies argue that
CR845 is effective in reducing pain of inflammatory, neuropathic and
nonrational origin. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory personal effects of CR845
lasted for up to 18 hours after a single venus's curse. CR845 was active after
intravenous, hypodermic, or oral administration. Preclinical studies likewise
indicate that CR845 possesses anti-itch properties. Unlike currently
marketed opioids, CR845 did not inhibit intestinal transit (ileus), vitiate
breathing, or elicit signs of addiction in animal models. CR845 and related
compounds ar covered by a late issued U.S. patent.

About Cara Therapeutics

Cara Therapeutics is a in private held biotech company focused on
development novel, superscript therapeutics to treat bother and firing
associated with diverse medical conditions. Cara's current pipeline
includes near-term clinical dose candidates within multiple classes of
peripherally-acting analgesics. Cara also plans to modernize entirely novel
classes of analgesics that emerge from its proprietary GPCR DimerScreen(TM)

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking statements
that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking
statements include statements relating to the remedial applications of
CR845 and about Cara's strategy, technologies, pre-clinical and clinical
programs, and ability to identify and develop drugs, as well as other
statements that ar not historical facts. Actual events or results may
differ materially from Cara's expectations. Factors that could cause actual
results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements include,
merely are non limited to, the timing, success and cost of Cara's research and
clinical studies and Cara's ability to hold additional financing. These
forward-looking statements represent Cara's sound judgment as of the day of the month of this
release. Cara disclaims any intent or obligation to update these
forward-looking statements.

Cara Therapeutics, Inc.

More info

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Geena Davis - Australians Campaign To Ban Davis

Hollywood actress GEENA DAVIS is facing disruption on the set of her new movie - residents in an upmarket Sydney, Australia suburb have launched a campaign to stop the crew filming in the area.

The Thelma + Louise star is currently shooting Accidents Happen in the Australian city but members of the production team have upset locals with their plans to film scenes during the early hours of the morning.

People living in the St Ives area have complained that members of the movie crew offered residents bribes in a bid to win them over.

And now local people have taken their concerns to the local council - signing a petition for the moviemakers to be banned from filming anywhere near their properties.

Resident Guy Yeomans is spearheading the campaign. He says, "(It will be) a major and totally unacceptable disruption.

"There will be 50 crew, generators, lights, emergency vehicles, actors, directors shouting, and then the revving of cars and trucks and slamming doors as they leave.

"At first they wanted to film until 3am and then they offered a compromise, with a few hundred dollars to residents to buy them off.

"We expect the council to look after the rights of its residents and not those of a commercial organisation."

See Also

Monday 23 June 2008

Compressor Vs Materia

Compressor Vs Materia   
Artist: Compressor Vs Materia

Trance: Psychedelic


Dual Resonance   
 Dual Resonance

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 5


Monday 16 June 2008

P Diddy in name change riddle

P DIDDY - the man with more aliases than CARLOS THE JACKAL - has denied he's
changed his name back to PUFF DADDY.

Internet reports and bloggers suggested on Monday that Diddy was now called
Daddy again.

But he responded by posting a video on his MySpace page stating: "I have
not changed my name. I have not changed my name. I have not changed my
motherf***ing name."

The odd rant continues with him repeating himself before asking American
viewers to take more interest in the presidential election than what he's

But then he contradicts himself by going back to the subject he likes talking
about the most - himself.
To see Diddy ranting, click below.

Friday 6 June 2008

Prisoners Dilemma

Prisoners Dilemma   
Artist: Prisoners Dilemma



Handshakes, Hello and Goodbye   
 Handshakes, Hello and Goodbye

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 8


Twelve-Time Grammy Award Winner, Emmylou Harris, Spends the Weekend with Animal Radio(R)

Bannerman says he simply 'fell in love'

'I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here' star Marc Bannerman has claimed that he simply couldn't hide his feelings for singer Cerys Matthews while they were in the jungle.
Speaking on 'Al Murray's Happy Hour', his first television interview since the show, Bannerman said that he "fell in love" with the singer when he met her in Australia.
Bannerman said: "I fell in love with someone and that is that."
"I know I hurt someone back in England but what can you do? Life goes on and I hope she is all right."
Speaking about media claims that his relationship with Matthews is a publicity stunt, he said: "I couldn't care less what anyone thinks."

Sir Paul Mccartney - Mccartney Shows Off Shevell

SIR PAUL MCCARTNEY has made his relationship with American heiress NANCY SHEVELL official after attending their first public event together.

The former Beatle was accompanied by the 47-year-old socialite as he received an honorary degree from Connecticut's Yale University on Monday (26May08).

MCCartney and Shevell were first pictured together last November (07) enjoying a passionate embrace in the singer's car.

They were also photographed holidaying together in the Caribbean in April (08).

MCCartney's divorce from Heather Mills was officially granted earlier this month (May08). They have a four-year-old daughter, named Beatrice.

See Also

Kylie on spending spree

Pop princess Kylie Minogue has been hitting the shops in Europe in between her concert tour performances to choose gifts for guests invited to celebrate her birthday. A source close to the singer told the Sun newspaper that the singer had asked guests not to bring gifts "as she knows she is near-impossible to buy for".

Mono and Nikitaman

Mono and Nikitaman   
Artist: Mono and Nikitaman



Das Spiel Beginnt   
 Das Spiel Beginnt

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 21


Sex And The City - Noth No Longer Loves New York

SEX AND THE CITY star CHRIS NOTH has delivered another blow to the city where the TV show and new movie is set, insisting New York isn't as great as it used to be.

His comments come just weeks after Sex and The City producers snubbed the Big Apple for the world premiere of the film, and held it in London instead.

Speaking to publisher Ron Galotti - the inspiration for his Mr. Big character - Noth, who first arrived in New York in the 1970s, tells Interview magazine says, "New York is pretty much commercialised to the point of no return"

Adding he misses the "diverse eccentrics" and "different neighbourhoods" that were once such a big part of the city used to fill the city: "That's all been washed out. It's very suburban. The art scene really left, except in patches. It's all about sort of a corporate sensibility, and it's squeezed out room for any other kind of sensibility."

And Noth is planning to deal another blow to New York by moving his Cutting Room night club out of the Big Apple and into Las Vegas.

He explains, "I want to take the club to Vegas. I think a Cutting Room would be great in Vegas. I just haven't really had the time to go out there and schmooze people and try to get them to invest millions of dollars."

See Also

Nine Inch Nails announce final tour line-up

Nine Inch Nails have announced the final line-up before heading out on tour.

The band, who start their American tour on July 25 at Pemberton Festival, Canada, now comprises of Trent Reznor, Robin Finck, Alessandro Cortini, Josh Freese and Justin Meldal-Johnsen.

Speaking on the band's website, www.nin.com Reznor said he's really confident about the new line-up and the group have been holed up in the studio working on some special surprises for the gigs.

He said: "We've added, we've subtracted and we've wound up with unquestionably the strongest line-up I've ever had."

Reznor added: "We've been working on something really special for these shows and so far I couldn't be happier with the results."

The star also revealed that the band will be posting up some live video performances on their website.

There are also some photos of the group in rehearsal on the site.

Tracey Edmonds: 'P Diddy is funnier than Eddie Murphy'

P DiddyEddie Murphy's ex-wife says she rates P Diddy more highly than her ex-husband.

Tracey Edmonds, who was married to Murphy for a little over two weeks, has enjoyed several dates with the Bad Boy For Life rapper; and says he's much funnier than the Nutty Professor actor.

She says "Diddy is the funniest man I've ever met. I'm so lucky to find someone so soon after Eddie.

"It's early days - we've only been on three or four dates - but he's whisked me off my feet.

"I don't know about wedding bells but he's definitely the man for me."

See Also